Our 2025 Vegetable Selection
New & Featured Varieties:

Carolina Gold
The Carolina Gold tomato features a unique golden-yellow colored fruit that is low in acid and uniform ripening. This variety is adaptable, and its strong, determinate plant produces mostly extra-large and large fruit throughout the season.

Thai Dragon
Thai Dragon peppers grow to 3 to 4 inches long and start out green and mature to a bright red. They grow on a short, bushy plant, giving rise to clusters of upright peppers. They are often used indoors or along garden borders outdoors because of their decorative appeal.

Rosa Bianca
A simply elegant eggplant from Sicily. Colorful, light pink-lavender fruit has a soft white shading and gently scalloped form. Rich, mild flesh is very popular with chefs and gardeners alike! No bitterness.
Our Full Inventory:
- Castle Dome
- Destiny
- Waltham
Brussel Sprouts: Jade Cross
- Copenhagen Market
- Late Flat Dutch
- Ruby Perfection
- Stonehead
- Snow Crown
- Steady
- Black Beauty
- Millionaire
- Rosa Bianca
- Kale Storm Mixture
- Amish Paste
- Beefmaster
- Beefsteak
- Better Boy
- Big Boy
- Big Zac
- Celebrity
- Early Girl
- Goliath
- Great White
- Green Zebra
- Jet Star
- La Roma III
- Mountain Spring
- Mountain Merit
- Pink Girl
- Rutgers
- Supersweet 100
- Midnight Snack
- Bush Champion
- Big Beef plus
- Black Cherry
- Black Krim
- Brandywine Pink
- Brandywine Red
- Carolina Gold
- Cherokee Purple
- Golden Jubilee
- Indigo Rose
- Indigo apple
- Juliet
- Lemon Boy
- Mortgage Lifter
- Mr. Stripey
- Oxheart Red
- Pink girl
- Pineapple
- Roma Plum
- San Marzano
- Sun Gold
- Sun Sugar
- red deuce
- Park’s Whopper
- Yellow Pear
- Baron
- Better Belle
- Big Bertha
- California Wonder
- Carolina Reaper
- Fooled You Sweet Jalapeno
- Early Sunsation
- Garden Salsa
- Golden California Wonder
- Jalapeno
- King Arthur
- Poblano
- Purple Beauty
- Tabasco
- Anaheim
- Carmen
- Cayenne Long Slim
- Ghost
- Giant Marconi
- Gypsy
- Habanero Orange
- Hungarian Hot Wax
- Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
- Lunch Box Mix
- Orange Bell
- Pepperoncini
- Serrano
- Super Chili
- Sweet Banana
- Thai Dragon
- Trinidad Scorpion
- Ozark beauty
- Surecrop
- honeoye
- seascape
Cantaloupe & watermelon
- Ambrosia
- Athena
- Honeydew
Cucumber & Squash
- Burpless
- Straight 8
- Yellow Straight neck
- butternut
- Acorn
- spaghetti
- Black beauty Zucchini
Okra: Clemson Spineless